Our commitment


responsible purchasing
*Nearly 5000 suppliers evaluated, representing 95% of the Group’s purchasing expenditure

At Plastic Omnium, and in particular for the Purchasing department, empowering teams at all levels is based on a combination of strong autonomy of businesses and maximum cross-functionality of initiatives, especially in terms of sustainability.”

Damien Degos, Executive Vice President, Group Purchasing Performance

“Know Your Suppliers” Program

The Know Your Suppliers program aims to assess the compliance of our suppliers through a score based on their ESG approach.

Signing the Plastic Omnium Supplier Charter is the starting point of the process. A digital risk assessment platform and a digital supplier relationship management tool are deployed across all Plastic Omnium sites. In addition, the Ecovadis questionnaire is a key element of the approach.

Suppliers are classified into three categories corresponding to three management types: Follow-up, Engage and Remediate.

Duty of vigilance

Plastic Omnium meets the requirements of the Duty of Vigilance by establishing a Vigilance Plan that sets out the various steps taken for each issue:

– human rights and fundamental freedoms;
– personal health and safety;
– the environment.