GOVERNANCE THAT SETS THE COURSE The sixteen members of Plastic Omnium’s Board of Directors have a range of complementary skills in the managerial, industrial, commercial, financial, and non-financial fields. Five of them are independent directors and another five are members of the Burelle family who founded the Group. Board members use their complementary experience and detailed knowledge of Plastic Omnium and its business environment to set the Group’s strategic objectives and oversee its activities. They provide insightful advice about the Group’s transformation and investments for the future, mindful always of social and environmental concerns. THE BOARD’S WORK IS SUPPORTED BY THREE SPECIALIZED COMMITTEES: AUDIT COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS AND CSR COMMITTEE COMPENSATION COMMITTEE 57% women 61 average age 36% independent directors COMPAGNIE PLASTIC OMNIUM SE SHAREHOLDERS: 60% Burelle SA 38% Public 2% Treasury stock group savings scheme 14