Faced with an industry undergoing far-reaching change, Plastic Omnium is redefining its business model and uniting its employees around a common goal. They embody its purpose and are leading players in a new generation of mobility. OPTIMIZING EMPLOYABILITY Launched in August 2022, U.Learn is a digital platform that offers a catalogue of 5,000 informative training modules. Over 3,000 executives used it during the second half of 2022 to help them improve their skills. This platform supplements all the specialist and technical training offered by each division. WOMEN@PO ROLLED OUT WORLDWIDE Developed originally in Europe, this network focuses on gender diversity and is now active everywhere the Group operates. With 474 members, 27% of them men, it works to raise awareness of diversity in all its forms (gender, age, culture, minorities, etc.) by creating events locally and sharing best practices. ENGAGEMENT SURVEY In 2022, Plastic Omnium carried out a Pulse survey to find out more about what its employees think, strengthen dialogue between managers and their teams, and provide the tools for actions at local level. Over 20,000 colleagues were invited to take part, representing all Group sites around the world. Response and engagement rates were high, reaching as much as 80% among managers and executives. The survey will be an annual event. People make the difference At Plastic Omnium, people are a precious resource to protect and nurture. The merger between the sustainability and human resources departments underlines the convergence between human, social and environmental concerns. Employee engagement and satisfaction are central to the purpose of a Group working to invent the mobility of tomorrow. As it continues its transformation, the Group supports its employees and ensures new arrivals have a positive onboarding experience. Over 7,000 people joined the Group in 2022 as a result of acquisitions, primarily in electrification and lighting. The target is to hire 1,000 young people motivated by sustainable mobility and innovation every year. Navigating change A family-run business with its roots in France, Plastic Omnium has become a diversified global group with synergies between its divisions increasing all the time. Plastic Omnium’s growth has been achieved without compromising its values and by leveraging its deeply held human principles: safety, well-being in the workplace and professional development. At Plastic Omnium, diversity – including in terms of generation, culture, gender and origin – is a strength that boosts its performance. At a time of unprecedented transformations in mobility, Plastic Omnium is adapting its leadership model to encourage the emergence of the new types of behaviors the Group needs to successfully navigate this turning point in its history. It has also decided to create a head of change management role as part of its Human Resources department to oversee changes across the entire organization. Specifically, this includes providing change management training to project leaders and their managers so they can take ownership of the new approach and introduce a change-led mindset into their teams. Committed to the environment and communities Inspired by its ACT FOR ALL™ program and annual day, its employees turn the Group’s commitments, based on its three pillars, into realities. The carbon neutrality roadmap was among the central concerns of 2022, with concrete actions at every site (energy efficiency, green energy procurement, etc.). To ensure messages are heard by everyone, encourage actions at the local level and share best practices, a network of Sustainability Ambassadors was set up in April 2022. It already has 200 members. Working with Plastic Omnium environment experts, the first group of ambassadors launched an initiative called 6 Must-Does for the Environment, designed to encourage colleagues to adopt a range of simple habits to boost energy frugality and protect resources on a day-to-day basis. 49